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Non-trivial topological waveguides tutorial in charge of Prof. Dr. Marco Miniaci (08/07/2021)
A tutorial about designs and measurements of non-trivial topological waveguides took place last 8th July. Was in charge of Prof. Dr. Marco Miniaci and it can be seen in this link.
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25/01/2023 - 26/01/2023
Sixth LEIT Plenum meeting held at ICN2
On January 25th and 26th, the sixth LEIT meeting was held at ICN2 in Barcelona. Great talks were presented and excellent discussions with collaborators to set the direction of the next action points.

The first LEIT workshop was held at Palma de Mallorca
On October 18th the first LEIT workshop was held at Palma de Mallorca. Great talks were presented and excellent discussions with collaborators and invited speakers.

Works presented at "The Foremost Photonics 2022 Conference"
During the conference "The Foremost Photonics 2022" held at Erice, Sicily from October 10th to October 14th, Dr. Guilhem Madiot and Dr. Martin Poblet presented their last works in poster format. Find them in the respective links. Madiot - Poblet

A new member joined the LEIT project
Koijam Monika Devi joined on September 12th, 2022 as a postdoctoral researcher for the LEIT project. She is working on the modelling of phononic crystals, the design of topological waveguides and Chern number calculations.

Tony Lockett (ERC) visited P2N labs
Tony Lockett, Communications manager at ERC, visited ICN2, had a lab tour, and chatted about communicating cutting-edge research.

4th LEIT Project Meeting
On September 27, 2021, the fourth LEIT project meeting was held. Each of the members of the project presented the advances regarding the corresponding area.

Non-trivial topological waveguides tutorial in charge of Prof. Dr Marco Miniaci
A tutorial about designs and measurements of non-trivial topological waveguides took place last 8th July. Was in charge of Prof. Dr. Marco Miniaci and it can be seen in this link.

3rd LEIT Project Meeting
On July 2 2021, the third LEIT plenary meeting was held. On this occasion, advances in sample designs and possible detection methods were presented.

Quantifying the robustness of light transport in photonic nanostructures
In-house collaborator Dr. Pablo David García Fernández gave a talk at the Topological Matter Conference (TMC) 2021: Quantifying the robustness of light transport in photonic nanostructures.

2nd LEIT Project Meeting
On March 23 of the current year, the second LEIT plenary meeting was held online. The types of samples to be used for the study of topological protection, using waveguides in phononic crystals, were discussed. On the other hand, the new members presented their backgrounds.

New members
During February and March of the current year, two new members were incorporated into the LEIT project, Dr. Guilhem Arthur Madiot, and Dr. Martin Poblet. Read more.

LEIT kick-off
A scientific kick-off meeting marks today the start of the LEIT (Lossless information for emerging information technologies) project, which will be led by ICREA Prof. Dr. Clivia M. Sotomayor Torres, head of the ICN2 Phononic and Photonic Nanostructures Group.

Published review on Nanoscale journal
Members of the P2N group in collaboration with former researchers recently published an article where they review several ways to excite and detect acoustic phonons. DOI: 10.1039/d2nr04100f

5th LEIT Project Meeting
On January 28, 2022, the fifth LEIT project meeting was held. Each of the members of the project presented the advances regarding the corresponding area.
INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory
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Braga, Portugal
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